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Shipping Info

Shipping & Returns

Handle Home is a division of Titus Tekform Pty Ltd.


All orders placed via incur a $20 flat rate shipping fee to anywhere in Australia. does not accept international orders. If you would like to place an order to an international delivery address, please contact

We endeavour to dispatch all orders within 1 business day but please allow up to 3 business days for metro locations and 5 business days for regional locations. For more information, contact

Delivery Policy

Titus Tekform will do everything possible to guarantee next day delivery. Our policy states that any order received by 1pm leaves the same day for next day delivery. Please note: Next day deliveries can be received up to 5pm.
(a) The Company will make all reasonable efforts to have the goods delivered to the Purchaser on the date agreed between the Company and the Purchaser as the delivery date.
(b) Any date named or accepted by the Company for completion, delivery, despatch, shipment or arrival of the goods or for tender of any documents is an estimate only and does not constitute a condition of the contract or part of the description of the goods.
(c) The Company shall be under no liability whatsoever should delivery not be made on such date and shall not be liable for any loss (including consequential loss) for failure or delay in delivery.
(d) In no case shall the Company be liable for any amount payable by the Purchaser to a third party as a result of a failure or delay in delivery by the Company due to any cause whatsoever.

Returns Policy
(a) The Purchaser shall inspect the goods immediately upon delivery and carry out any tests that a prudent Purchaser would carry out.
(b) The Purchaser shall give written notice to the Company of any alleged or irregularity in quantity or description, or any faults or defects within five (5) working days from the delivery.
(c) If no notice is given by the Purchaser to the Company in accordance with Clause 10(b) hereof, the Purchaser shall be deemed to have accepted the goods and the Purchaser shall lose any right to reject the goods or claim any remedy whatsoever (including damages) against the Company.
(d) All claims for credit for damaged, defective or short delivery goods or for goods to be returned must be notified to the Company immediately.
(e) The Company will not accept claims that are not notified in accordance with Clause 10(d) hereof within five (5) working days of delivery.
(f) The goods must be returned, at the cost of the Purchaser, to the Company site from where they were purchased.
(g) Goods returned for credit and accepted by the Company will be subject to handling charges of an amount equivalent to ten per centum (10%) of the credit claimed.
(h) If goods are not returned after fourteen (14) days of notification of the claim to the Company the Purchaser shall not be entitled to any credit.
(i) Unless otherwise agreed, no request for credit will be approved until a representative of the Company has inspected the goods on which the credit is claimed.
(j) Until the inspection referred to in Clause 10(i), the Purchaser is responsible for maintaining proper care of the goods in question.
(k) The Company will not accept claims for damaged or defective goods or for goods returned where the Purchaser has not maintained proper care of the delivered goods.
(l) The Purchaser acknowledges and agrees that goods produced/manufactured on the Purchaser’s instruction, goods damaged or lost in transit, non-returnable goods ordered specifically for the Purchaser, goods altered or damaged by the Purchaser are not acceptable for return or credit.